I've been publishing daily photos of Taza and Ellie at sitstaysmile.wordpress.com for two weeks now. You can see the past posts under Archives and see new ones daily (or that's my plan) on the main page.
New Blog
11 years ago
Meeting the physical needs of hurting people is a very real way to express God’s love…. When you go out of your way to reach out to a forgotten community and provide for their needs with no strings attached, you stir their curiosity to know what it is (or Who) that would motivate someone to invest their time and money in them. It is from this perspective that we develop very real relationships with the people and earn the right to speak to them about our faith, what it has done in our lives, and what it can do in theirs. They begin to want to know more about this God who could motivate someone from so far away to “give up” everything and follow Him.
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