Why Supe? Most of the "experts" say I should be going to a people group that doesn't yet have a viable, reproducing church. Mainstream
One time, when Jesus was sending a bunch of disciples out to different cities, he told them, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." (Luke 10:2) I don't want to drum up my own plan for where to go. I want to go where the harvest is plentiful, where there is plenty for me to do, and where there are people ready to receive what I have to offer! The mayor of Supe asked long-term missionaries Cesar and Grace Cubas to come work in his town. The Cubases have been in Supe for about a year and are begging SAM to send more workers. The town, they say, is wide open for all they have to offer.
So I'm going to forget strategy for today. I'm going to lay down my notions of what work counts and what doesn't. I'm going to respond to the spiritual and economic need perceived by the government of this town, the people of this town, and the missionaries in this town. I'm going to follow the Lord to the place He is showing me and trust that my greatest joy is in serving Him there. I'll let you know how it goes.
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11 years ago