~Romans 1:5, my special July 2 version
During our appointment interview today, we were invited to join South America Mission’s work in
Our main prayer right now is that Tim would begin to build vision and/or receive direction regarding the specific work he may be doing. While this kind of clarity can’t be too trustworthy until we are with the Cubases in Puerto Supe, I know it would be a tremendous blessing to him to at least have some ideas to be thinking about and share with others. In my case, I feel fairly clear that my main goal will be to encourage people in a life of faith- both spiritual “seekers” and those who have already made a decision to submit their lives to God. This could take a lot of forms but will essential mean making friends in various ways and offering myself to their service.
PS I got some prednisone steriod pills for my poison ivy and it is clearing up. What a relief.