This is a photo of the Iglesia de la Compania de Jesus, one of the four churches on Cusco's main plaza. Much of Latin American Catholicism is about picking the saint or form of Jesus that you can relate to best, so we end up with lots of churches close together. After all, if you're all about the Virgencita de Chapi, it wouldn't make sense to attend the Virgen de Copacabana church.
Right now we're sitting in the lobby of the Hotel Libertador (not our hotel) in Cusco. We got surprised by some rain in the middle of our touring. The touring was a little disappointing, actually, because it seems that everything in closed on Sunday mornings (despite indications otherwise in Mom's guidebook). Oh well. Somehow I'm not too bothered.
We return to Arequipa this afternoon (weather permitting) and back to normal life. I think I'll be glad in one way. I feel like I've been going non-stop for a week and a half. Tim is feeling sick, although we're not sure if it's food or altitude. Cusco is at 12,000 ft over sea level. Hope he'll recover quickly once we're home.