In case you're wondering about those stories, let me just tell you one as a point of comparison. My neighbor Rachael grew up as a missionary kid in Brazil. Her family came in from the jungle every quarter to do their shopping and pick up mail. Since their freezer couldn't hold enough meat for the entire quarter, some of the meat they ate in the meantime was from her dad's hunting escapades. One time they ate taper. She says it was slimy.
Then there was the time Cesar tied a visiting missionary onto the roof of a train so that he could make it the entire trip (12 hours? 20? I can't remember.) without falling off. He would need to sleep after all, but he had to get back to the city for an emergency asap. Or the time Cesar had to give his pet ocelot to the zoo because all his cats were "disappearing." Really Cesar could write a book with all his stories.
PS- Isn't Tim a cutie?