I had placed a little old lady in charge of preparing the food and she did a great job. She's been helping to cook for families and groups with SAM since 1966 and brought her own bowl and mixer to ensure that the pancakes came out perfectly. We ended up having more pancakes than needed, but everyone was more than happy to take the extras home.
This was my first time doing a presentation like this (in any language). After a week of planning, recording and listening to myself give the presentation half a dozen times, I felt pretty well prepared and I think I did a decent job on focusing on the main points I wanted to make and giving everyone a good idea of the strategy of Alpha.
Now begins the preparation for the two 8 hour long days of the conference, please be praying for me during this time. I want to spend about a 1/3 of the time of the conference as more of a workshop where people can brainstorm together and also have the opportunity to practice leading the small groups. I also am looking into a different meeting place that can handle the setup and food so that it will be less stress on myself. I want to get the cost down to $3-5 per person.