We got to pick up Ellie this morning from the vet, and I'm relieved to report that the bill (while still high) was under my "worst case scenario" estimate. All in all, Ellie spent 12 days and nights at the vet, had one major surgery and two smaller procedures, and took plenty of meds. Whew!
The work isn't over, and we're now responsible for injecting her with various solutions in two places twice daily. Not looking forward to that. She's sporting this nice faja and is supposed to stay still. Yeah, right. She's already leaped (lept?) over a ditch once. I forgot that if I told her to come, she would come running. Oops.
I do think that she's probably more likely to stay still here at home where everything in her world is right (than at the vet where she has to keep her eye on everyone).
Oh, I was hoping there would be a picture of Ellie on your blog today! Even though in need of a little more healing, she looks healthy and happy:-)