Hello! You have a beautiful blog - sorry, this isn't pertaining to your actual post, but I didn't know how else to get in touch with you. I am new to the blogging world (as of yesterday!) and found the same template you are using on Deluxe Templates. Now, I am just trying to figure everything out. While looking into the template info on the site, I saw you had commented with some questions, etc to the designer & so, that's how I found you. Anyway, there are some things I see on yours that I really would like to duplicate - such as: adding a slideshow or just single picture in that awkward space at the top (that I'm not sure what you're really supposed to do with!) and removing the blog post on the right hand column without deleting those facebook/twitter options... so, I'm not sure if you'd be the right person to ask, but I assumed since you had done it once, you might be willing to help me out! I would be very grateful! Thanks so much!
(my blog site is: ojnopulp.blogspot.com) Just let me know! And, please, if there's a better way to communicate, that would be great too!
Hannah, I feel so un-caught-up with your life without your blog posts! We should talk on the real phone soon.
Hannah ~~ So missing reading your blog and wondering where your life is leading you and Tim these days. It used to be part of my daily morning routine to check in at "Murrays on a Mission".
You're a talented photographer ..... must be in your genes.