- Friday afternoon trip to the new midtown Target. Very fancy.
- Famous slow dinner with the Finks at Customshop (in Elizabeth) Friday night, a particular treat since Emily was then and is still overdue on her baby
- Crashing at the Landon's house on their surprisingly cozy sleeper sofa
- Saturday morning soaking prayer (just for me) with Pat and Camille- a precious, irreplacable parting gift from two remarkable and beautiful warrior women
- Saturday afternoon shopping at SouthPark Mall. Scary.
- Dinner with the Landons and Warners at CANTINA 1511 Saturday night!! Oooh, I will miss American-Mexican food! Queso fundido, pork al pastor tacos, frozen strawberry margaritas....
- Rosie Thomas and Over the Rhine at the Visualite Theater. I also took a nap there.
- King of Kings this morning. So sweet.
- Brunch at Lulu's with Chuck (my father-in-law). Delicious pimiento cheese grits!
- Dessert gathering at the church office tonight. Thanks for your presence, your prayers, your love and support.
Tomorrow we have a few more stops (Tim's last Hep B shot, parting orientations at the mission office, maybe going to see Guster tomorrow night) and then off to Greensboro. I am glad to belong in Charlotte, to be sent from somewhere, to have somewhere to miss.
- Oct 19-22 in Charlotte (farewell dessert Sunday night- thanks to Marty and Jess!)
- Oct 22 parting "interviews" at South America Mission office
- Oct 22-25 in Greensboro
- Oct 25-28 in DC area- Alpha training, last minute outlet shopping for staples, and a 4th anniversary dinner
- Oct 28-31 in Greensboro
- Oct 31 fly out of Charlotte airport for Peru!
Our team leaders will meet us in Lima on the 31st and have an adventurous culture-filled week planned in Puerto Supe. We start language school in Arequipa Nov. 7.
We have 5 large duffel bags, 2 carry-ons, a computer, and 2 instruments left. It's amazing to me all the things I don't need in order to live. We filled up another bag yesterday of clothes for Goodwill.
On another topic, vegetarian life has been delightful. I'm pretty sure from now on I'll be a vegetarian (plus fish) at home. No ethical issues with meat, though, so I fully intend to enjoy steaks at restaurants. Plus we'll be living with a host family for the next 4 months or so, and I don't plan demanding vegetarian fare.
The only way you can receive a copy of the album is to go to http://www.inrainbows.com/ and download it. You may still be scratching your head and thinking, "What's the big deal, I already download all of my music off of iTunes." The difference my friends is that YOU decide whether you pay $500 or nothing for the new album! I chose to pay about $4 for it because I really enjoy their music (those of you who are unable to recognize genius - don't laugh!).
My advice, go, try it out for yourself and if you're not a fan or don't have any money you can still download it and you don't have to pay a dime for it. I promise this is legitimate; feel free to google it and find out more. Also if you're a little bored or want something to do while listening, go to http://www.official-linerider.com/play.html
Nonetheless, I appreciate the reminder that the "moral values" Americans claim to hold so dear go beyond issues of same-sex marriage and abortion. Let's not be single issue voters. "Religious issues" include poverty, the environment, war, the integrity of our elected officials, human rights, our response to terrorism, and a consistent ethic of human life.
Specific to that last idea, I am both challenged and encouraged by Jim Wallis' conviction that "a consistent ethic of human life" encompasses yes, abortion issues, but also capital punishment, euthanasia, weapons of mass destruction, HIV/AIDS, other pandemics (can we get some press for clean water around the world?), and genocide. What would it look like for American voters to embrace a consistent ethic of human life? What would it mean for me personally? What difference can I make anyway? How can I march forward as a Christian and a responsible citizen?
This week I have felt a heightened anxiety that I can only attribute to the transition. Tim asks me, "What are you so anxious about?" I don't have an answer. There are no specific worries in my mind, but I know from what we learned here that my reaction is normal and okay. Tim doesn't "get" that, but he's willing to believe me anyway. I feel myself growing irritable over small things and raging over only slightly larger things. I am restless (and have pretty much knitted an entire blanket in the last week). I am tired.
I am nervous about this next stage, particularly the idea that we will be in Arequipa for an indefinite period of time over which I will have absolutely no control. Will Tim dedicate himself to learning Spanish in the way I want him to? How will I react if he doesn't? How can I let go of my demands and expectations? What will I do with 3, 4, 6, 8, however many months we will spend in Arequipa waiting for Tim to feel competent in his language ability? How will I know to what degree I should commit myself to this city and culture and people if I don't know how long I will be there?
We will board our plane for Peru in 19 days. Between now and then all I know to do is to bring myself exposed before God and ask Him to take care of this mess I'm in.
Tim and I are continuing to lead worship in the mornings, during this class I think every morning (earlier only once per week). We are both enjoying that time and the routine of it. I know we will want to use our music in Peru, but I am also recognizing that our style of worship music is specifically American. Translating worship music for Peru will not simply be a matter of linguistic translation. Their entire approach to worship music is more communal, whereas ours is markedly individual (me and God). Also, our music tends to be very serious, while theirs is more celebratory. We are both looking forward to learning new styles and approaches, but we also know that we need to play with Peruvians (under their direction) to really get a feel for their music. That will take time and work.
In the afternoons, we are spending 2 hours with a native speaker of another language practicing our techniques for language learning. These native speakers are not trained in any way- their role is mostly to respond as we ask simple questions (How do you say "school"?) and patiently let us practice. I am learning Vietnamese, and Tim is learning Russian. We're both thoroughly enjoying ourselves! We are using some of the learning/teaching techniques I learned about in my short career as a Spanish teacher, but there are many more that seem so obvious and awesome I can't believe I never thought of them. Then again, there's a big difference between a group of 4 missionaries-to-be learning language as a vital professional skill and a class of 30 14-year-olds taking my class because they need it to graduate. I'm not sure some of these techniques would be so useful in public high schools!
Fund-raising is proclaiming what we believe in a such a way that we offer other people an opportunity to participate with us in our vision and mission. Fund-raising is precisely the opposite of begging. When we seek to raise funds we are not saying, "Please, could you help us out because lately it's been hard." Rather, we are declaring, "We have a vision that is amazing and exciting. We are inviting you to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you- your energy, your prayers, and your money- in this work to which God has called us." Our invitation is clear and confident because we trust that our vision and mission are like "trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in eseason, and their leaves do
not wither" (Psalm 1:3).
In fund-raising and ministry we are inviting people into a new way of relating to their resources. By giving people a spiritual vision, we want them to experience that they will in fact benefit by making their resources available to us.... "You won't become poorer, you will become richer by giving." We can confidently declare with the Apostle Paul, "You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity..." (2 Corinthians 9:11).
Henri J. M. Nouwen
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