First of all, I would like to apologize for just now posting this blog. As I am sure most of you are already aware, Radiohead released their latest album, In Rainbows, last Tuesday. If that wasn't reason enough to celebrate, they have revolutionized the music industry.
The only way you can receive a copy of the album is to go to and download it. You may still be scratching your head and thinking, "What's the big deal, I already download all of my music off of iTunes." The difference my friends is that YOU decide whether you pay $500 or nothing for the new album! I chose to pay about $4 for it because I really enjoy their music (those of you who are unable to recognize genius - don't laugh!).
My advice, go, try it out for yourself and if you're not a fan or don't have any money you can still download it and you don't have to pay a dime for it. I promise this is legitimate; feel free to google it and find out more. Also if you're a little bored or want something to do while listening, go to
The only way you can receive a copy of the album is to go to and download it. You may still be scratching your head and thinking, "What's the big deal, I already download all of my music off of iTunes." The difference my friends is that YOU decide whether you pay $500 or nothing for the new album! I chose to pay about $4 for it because I really enjoy their music (those of you who are unable to recognize genius - don't laugh!).
My advice, go, try it out for yourself and if you're not a fan or don't have any money you can still download it and you don't have to pay a dime for it. I promise this is legitimate; feel free to google it and find out more. Also if you're a little bored or want something to do while listening, go to