Here's what I've been doing recently with any free brain space: knitting. In the car, in class, while reading, watching movies.... I think my capacity to knit and not pay any conscious attention to it has something to do with my ADD. If the pace around me is too slow, I can't handle it. Knitting (or some other similar activity) occupies part of my extra energy and allows me to focus with what remains. It's also been a fun connection point with some friends here at CIT.
Last Thursday I started making this blanket from a free online pattern (except mine is 50% larger and different colors). It's been fun- something interesting without having to branch out of my comfort zone of knitting rectangles.
I also just ordered some pretty teal boucle yarn to make a shawl for Mom. Shawls are good for sad moms, you know. Kind of like a hug you can keep on your armchair.
Also, if you like knitting, you'll be interested in knowing about a new website someone showed me: KnitPicks. Looks like high quality yarn for much, much less money.