Last night I tried to explain to Tim what is going on in that brain of mine. He said his initial thought was “Get over it,” but he ventured outside that to entertain some new ideas (look at what 4 years of marriage yields!). He listened to my somewhat silly but also very long list of all the things occupying my energy and gave some helpful feedback.
It’s a busyness of good things, but I know there is more to life than running from one “good thing” to another. Jesus said he came to give life and life to the full (John 10:10). I’d rather have life to the full than a full life. Pray that I would have the wisdom and discernment to sort through all these “good things” and find something better.
PS- Have you ever really loved a shower? I just took my first hot (not warm, hot!) shower today since leaving the US Nov. 1. I even had to use the cold water. It was scrumptious!
I am SO with you, Hannah. Maybe Tim can offer me some helpful tips too.