I'm sure that much of the distraction is internal, my own thoughts and anxieties jumping up within me. I am hoping to try again on the retreat, in a different spot next time. From my bedroom at home, though, I actually had a surprisingly retreat-y day today. I read Larry Crabb's new book The PAPA Prayer, which has left me with some fresh perspective about who I am, who God is, and how we fit together. I feel hopeful about the coming week, positive about the direction I am moving in with the Lord, and a little bit renewed in my vision, emotions, and spirit.
New Blog
12 years ago
lindsey and i love the book "the papa prayer" (we love almost anything by crabb). i really like how it brings our focus back to relationship--knowing god and allowing him to know us, exactly where we are. very applicable during the crazy transitions of cross-cultural life.
jason k