1. Our guests. I have no idea what that will look like tonight, and although I want to be open to God´s will, I´m also not so secretly hoping for a good turnout. Pray our guests would come eager to hear and receive truth, that they would be authentic during our discussion time, and that the Lord would draw them to Himself, some for the first time. Pray that these precious people would feel comfortable in our home and with one another.
2. Us. Pray that we would stay confident in the sovereignty of God and willing to do His work tonight, whatever that may be. Pray that we would be filled with the love, joy, wisdom, confidence of the Holy Spirit.
3. Spiritual protection for spiritual battles. We are fighting a war here for the hearts of people. The enemy is fighting back, but we know our God has conquered death and has the power to protect us and these people.
4. Logistics. Pray that the food preparation would be smooth. Pray that people would come on time. Pray that we wouldn´t be interrupted by ridiculously loud block parties or crying babies. Pray that everything would go fine with the video.
We are sustained by your prayers! Thank you for joining us in our mission and being part of unearthing the Kingdom of God into Puerto Supe.