- sunshine and strawberries
- Grace, who keeps up with our life here and sends us lots of words of encouragement
- grace, the unmerited love and mercy shown to me by a marvelous God
- an adventure in Peru
- my new black-out curtains (before, everyone could see inside our house at night as they walked by- not my favorite feeling)
- The West Wing on iTunes
- last night's Alpha discussions (the most comfortable yet for me)
- a new book when I was up at 4:30 am with indigestion: The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer (so far not about homemaking, but wildly interesting)
- the now-comforting crow of roosters in the night
- the fact that the roosters don't live on our block
- my new felt-tip black pen
- freedom from the lure of materialism (nothing to buy here)
- Tim. He's a fighter.
New Blog
11 years ago