Seven weeks ago I wrote about how much we like our vet. That same weekend, Taza started to develop a bad ear infection, which we have labored these 7 weeks in curing. No luck. We took her to Lima yesterday to get a second opinion.
This morning, within walking distance of our mission's house in Lima, we got had a visit with a doggie ear infection specialist who happened to have studied at NC State! He took one look at Taza's medicines and told us that they're what Americans call "BS." He prescribed her an antibiotic and told us she'll be better within 5 days. Could it be true? 8 hours later the gook is already clearing up a little bit. I'm thrilled!
Unfortunately I have to return with her on Wednesday. What kind of posh dog do I have who has to travel 4 hours (and then 4 back) to go to her doctor? She also liked to sit with her legs crossed, eats duck, and is darn cute.
Here she is on the bus on the way to her appointment (and to drop Mom and David Hugh off at the airport last night... boo hoo).