1. Tim vs. the Wave
His wounds are healing, slowly but surely. He thinks in another day or two he'll stop using the burn-victim bandages and give his hands and arms a chance to breathe fresh air again. So far no infections (yay!).
2. Three thirsty days
It seems that we finally got a sufficient supply of water today. I took a shower at home for the first time since Thursday (there was another one in there that I took elsewhere). I'm so glad to have a flushing toilet and a clean kitchen again!
3. Camera woes
I've decided to send my camera to Panasonic for repair. They have a $99 flat fee on repairs for this model, which is way less than I was expecting (it's a pretty expensive camera). With shipping and what not, I think it will be a few months' process, so I bought an inexpensive but very decent point-and-shoot on Ebay. It will arrive with my mom and brother on Saturday.