We decided to attend the retreat for a number of reasons: to encourage us as we pursue a happier and holier marriage, to get to know other families from the church, to emerge from our solitary sphere and engage more in the world around us. I think it will be good for all those things.
Tonight the retreat speaker talked about singleness, specifically how our lives as single people prepared or didn't prepare us for the challenges of marriage and how we need to leave our singleness behind if we're going to have successful marriages. Two things stuck out to me.
First, we can use most seasons in our lives to prepare us for the next. Singleness is certainly that way, a time to grow in character before diving into such a close relationship. With that stage behind me, I'm thinking some about how I can be sure not to waste my current circumstances but rather take advantage of opportunities to grow and mature.
Second, we looked at Paul's comments in 1 Corinthians 7 about finding contentedness in your life stage, whatever it may be. If you can't be happy with what you have now, you're not likely to find happiness anywhere. That's some food for thought with marriage but also in any situation. If I can't be happy in Pucallpa, or in this job, or with this spouse, or with children, or without children, or whatever it may be, I'm probably not going to be happy when things change.
Lots to think about. Pray that Tim and I would be able to connect with other couples at this retreat but also that we would be encouraged and challenged as we hear God's words brought into our lives.