Everyone we talk to has been laid off or had financial set-backs at work. It feels dark in some ways, but no one seems too disillusioned by it actually. Maybe the shock has passed.
Pobrecito Timoteo is sick with the worst sore throat of his life. We bit the bullet yesterday and splurged on a whole slew of throat remedies: lemons and honey for tea, other tea, special throat lozenges, regular ol' Halls, salt for gargling salt water, zinc tablets. I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
Charlotte is feeling surprisingly normal. Every time we sit down for a meal with someone, it seems like it has only been a few months since we were last in that same spot. I love it. What I really love are my friends. It has been so good just to be with them. I don't think I realized how much I had missed that. Two and a half years is a long time.
My mom and brother came to visit this week, too. It was such a blessing to have help setting up my house, and sitting down for dinner with the two of them felt right. I'm hopeful that both of them can be frequent weekend guests in the years to come!
Our neighborhood is continuing in its process of gentrification. They are knocking down little houses and building monstrosities, but they architects seems to be doing a good job of keeping the same bungalow-type style. It's actually not that bad. And certainly good for our house value. It's been fun getting to know all of our old haunts and new ones, and I'm looking forward to getting to know my actual neighbors soon. They're all new people since we left (mostly renters on our end of the street).
We've hit Chick-fil-a (a little bit of a disappointment) but are trying to hold off on indulging in all our old favorites. People from our church have graciously been providing meals for us, and I'd say we've both lost a few pounds in the last week! Definitely a surprise. I think it's partly because we're too busy to snack.
Off to church in two hours. I'm seriously intimidated. It will be the first time seeing so many people after our long adventure in Peru. How many times can I say, "Oh my gosh! It's so good to see you!" Of course I really will mean it, but still.... The other scary part is that I imagine a good chunk of our congregation (including our pastor) is new. We have a lot of new friends to meet. Whew.
Enough updates for now. Still busy, busy, busy and hoping things will calm down this week so that I can digest what's going on.
Quick question for you. Did you own your home while you were gone and if so, did you have renters AND if so on that, how did that work? In considering our move abroad in 2011, we're hoping to be able to rent out our condo and would love some advice.
Thanks and good luck with the transition back to North American life.