Tim happened to email Grace (Cubas, one of our team leaders) last night and in his email, mentioned our health issues. This morning when the sun finally came up and I was feeling a little more stable, I got to read her response. She reminded us not to give in to discouragement, and to make deliberate efforts to clothe ourselves in thankfulness. So here are some things I want to consciously thank God for this morning, both because He deserves it and because I know that an attitude of gratitude will go a long way for me today.
- Miriam, my host mom, who prayed for me at the breakfast table and is fixing jello for me for lunch. In general, our host family has been so precious and good to us.
- Tim, who was a tremendous comfort to me last night and this morning, gave me a hand and foot massage. I am so grateful to be here in Peru, and after seeing him sick for 2 weeks, remember even more the sacrifices he is making on my behalf.
- The awesome weather here. Blue skies, warm air. Every day is a good hair day.
- A meaningful conversation last night with Lula, our housekeeper. I think it was my first “deep” conversation in Spanish since we’ve been here. We talked about some rather delicate topics, and as I told her, I am so grateful for her willingness to help me get to know this culture in every way. It is a gift to me, and I think, to the Lord who is calling me to this work.
- The Living Beyond Yourself Bible study I am doing right now. And the Holy Spirit! who grants to me from an infinite source of energy, the power to know the Father’s will and to live it.
- Jesus, who suffered so much so that I would have the opportunity to have a friendship with God.
- My family, scattered across the world, who are supporting me in a million ways.
- My fascinating economist language school teacher, Juan Carlos, who every day teaches me new crazy things. It’s somewhere between being in college one on one and ethnographic interviewing.
In [your salvation] you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. I Peter 1:6-7
He is worth it.
This is an incredibly encouraging post, Hannah. Just this morning I was reading the text that's going to be preached on at our church this morning, Philippians 1:12-30. The experiences you have shared in this blog remind me of vs12-14. In these verses Paul reveals his mindset which informs how he interprets the difficulties of his life. "What has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel." His imprisonment not only allowed for the gospel to be shared with the entire imperial guard, but it also caused other Christians to be more bold in proclaiming Christ. The sacrifice of your health is not only allowing the gospel to spread in Peru, but it is encouraging us here in the States to be more bold, to consider no sacrifice too great for the sake of the Name. May we all be able to say with Paul, "The important thing is that in every way...Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."