If you're interested in Christian books, these are all worth checking out (maybe even reading twice, or as in the Nouwen case, I think this was my fifth read):
A fresh look at Jesus that makes me love Him more. For some reason, I used to think Yancey was a fluffy and cheesy writer (before I read anything he wrote). Not true. Engaging and sharp.
A controversial author with a lot to offer. I'm revitalized as I remember the point of all of this-- that the gospel is about the presence and power of God invading and transforming our world.
One church's story and direction on how Christians can (and should) make a positive impact on the communities around them. This seems obvious I think, but reading it this time reminded me how far I'm falling short. As we head back to Puerto from vacation, I'm praying that these principles would shape my next year (and my life).
"Reflections on Christian Leadership" that continually leave me challenged and invigorated. Smack in the middle of our two years here, this message proved exceptionally timely.
Direction for understanding different sections of the Bible (based on genre mostly) and for making valid connections across the huge cultural gap (to us). I'm amazed that this task could be so simple and so challenging at the same time.
Hey--I just finished rereading In the Name of Jesus, too. I love that book--as well as Life of the Beloved and Show Me the Way, a collection of Henri Nouwen's writings for Lent.
So you liked my recommendation!