- Our church has selected a committee responsible for defining its vision, goals, and organization. We began meeting this week.
- I've been attending Al-Anon meetings in Barranca and am getting together with a friend soon to talk about starting a new group in Puerto Supe. This would not be connected to the church specifically, but I think it would be a positive expression of our social mission here.
- I'm revisiting all of my discipleship/mentoring materials and formulating a new plan. I hope to talk to several women in the next few weeks about forming an "action group" as a supplement to the current Bible studies in which they participate. My desire is to give a few of the more timid but devote women a space to grow together by sharing their lives and actually doing all of the stuff they're learning.
- Tim is teaching a friend to play guitar. The hope is that in the next year he would be able to learn well enough to lead worship at church when we leave.
- He's also developing profiles for all the South America Mission families and ministries in Peru. The profiles will be used to give the Board of Directors a sneak peak and reminder before their visit at the end of April.
Whew! We're busy! More later. Right now I'm off to continue my "action group" research and planning (on the beach... I know, being busy is so tough).
Wow--what wonderful and positve ideas for new energy and life in Puerto Supe!