I picked up a big box of books from the post office today-- almost all marriage books we ordered from Amazon three weeks ago. Tim and I are devoting the next how-ever-many-months-it-takes to reading books and listening to tapes and watching videos on marriage, discussing what we learn, and putting good principles into practice in our lives.
I mentioned Saturday that we've already started by listening to Rescue Your Love Life downloaded from iTunes. I also got a sneaky start on my own with Boundaries in Marriage (a perennial favorite) and Intimate Allies (borrowed from Grace). The rest we're keeping to read/listen to/watch together.
Mostly read. The "listening to" included two recent sermons from the Trial series at Mars Hill Church in Seattle: "Men and Marriage" and "Women and Marriage." The "watching" is the 5-part video series for Love and Respect, again gratefully to-be-borrowed from Grace.
What you really need to know is that Simple Secrets of a Great Marriage is the cutest darn book I've ever seen. I think you should buy it for the next person who's getting married.