- friends in Pucallpa
- friends in Lima
- speaking Spanish all the time
- being in a place where I can live more simply (like without hot water)
- cheap public transportation/ not having to drive
- living inside a park
- working with people who share my values and passions
- cantaloupe juice
- watermelon juice
- guanĂ¡bana juice
- my juice shop and the folks who work there
- knowing where to go to buy random things like pot handles or rolls of foam
- seeing Shipibo women in town in their traditional dress
- walking the dogs without leashes
- pool weather 365 days/year
- an economy where I can easily afford house help
- apple bananas
- slow-paced living
- a relationship-oriented society
- being away from the draw of consumerism
- Wednesday night prayer meeting
- knowing my neighbors (hopefully I can make that happen in Charlotte too)
- generating less trash
- tropical flowers and birds
- being able to hang my clothes to dry
- aguaje shambos (pumpkin pie popsicles?)
- chifles (fresh salty fried banana chips)
- buying $5 seconds of all the softest and most expensive T-shirts in the world
- feeling like it's okay to "make do"
- torrential rain
New Blog
12 years ago
you'll be a new you - again - when you leave. I'm dying to know what some of these things are, esp an apple banana. I have a really funny mental image . . .
..... or things you vow to bring with you to Charlotte -- even if only in your soul ......
Holding you in my heart & my prayers as you process the departure,
Love, Martha